Conference rooms

Dear guests! Please be advised that the parking area in front of the hotel will be unavailable during the landscaping works. We apologize for any inconvenience it might cause and hope it will not affect your travelling plans. Thank you for understanding!


Conference rooms

Host your upcoming events in the most professional way – at Irkutsk City Center Hotel. Surprise your guests with high-level service and modern audiovisual equipment.


Restaurant’s private dining «Malachite» is the great choice for business meals and family gatherings. Modest but convenient, the area offers a 35 sq.m. space for 20 guest max capacity.

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Experience cutting-edge features of ergonomic meeting rooms that are perfectly suitable to host conference, presentation. Fuel up your colleagues by serving a quick coffee break right behind the mobile soundproof wall. «Charoites» may fit up to 100 guests for its humble space of 90 sq.m.

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Perfect venue with premier functionality and, perhaps, is the best choice you will ever come across in Irkutsk. Discover various opportunities whether you are up to hosting a business conference or planning on a wedding banquet, Grand Courtyard is the best choice you will ever come across in Irkutsk. The ballroom covers over 300 sq.m. of space which may fit up to 300 people in the ballroom at once. In case it is overwhelming for you to be there, the ballroom can be split apart by the mobile soundproof wall.

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Enjoy the flexibility and range of opportunities that our venues have to offer. Each of the 5 meeting rooms is a unique choice to every occasion you would like to host whether it is a business conference or a festive banquet. Get creative with event setting by acquiring our modern audiovisual equipment. Unique options of catering offer a wide choice of menus: canape, buffet, coffee break, touristic and banquet.